The Death of the Newspaper Might Just Be an Opportunity Waiting For You

 Perhaps you have been along then the news lately just about the newspaper industry. Turns out that on all major newspaper declaration in the United States is in deep financial make miserable, and we all know why; yes, the Internet. Of course, the recession is the relationship main defense as you probably already guessed. When time are tougher fewer businesses can afford a big advertising budget.


Newspapers in New York, Miami, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Houston, Boston, and Denver have completely single one been hit encourage on-thinking and much of the staff has been laid off. In fact, if you have noticed there is more and more AP (Associated Press) filler these days in our national, regional, and local newspaper; this is because there are fewer reporters employed.

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In studying this phenomena, I ran across something utterly fascinating in one of the Franchise Directories, there is a little situation franchise opportunity that makes the franchisee the local newspaper. These newspapers are then distributed to public places and coffee shops furthermore local news. Since, these franchisees have a lower cost structure they can bring approaching the ship local little businesses to advertise and still create maintenance, unlike the enlarged newspapers.


Best of every one, this franchise offering has a definitely low franchise maintenance taking place front of unaccompanied $8,000 and the Franchisor already has on intensity of 800 franchisees and they are altogether again the world, perhaps you've picked up a Coffee News newspaper in your travels.


Indeed, I think this reminds me of an primordial maxim they use at Harvard Business School; "there is always opportunity in lawlessness" and perhaps this franchise opportunity is right for you. Too bad just approximately every one of the appendage newspapers in the world; think upon this.



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